Meet Ptolemy Saxon Templar Torney!!
This is our new baby brother who was born on 18th October 2008

Unfortunately, things did not go very well and mummy ended up having surgery and being in Intensive Care and hospital for 2 weeks.... both she and Ptolemy were very ill and very nearly didn't come home at all because there were lots of complications...... She is very lucky to still be here with us.

...but gradually mummy got better and after a few days she was able to go and meet Ptolemy for the first time (he was in the neo-natal unit because he was poorly too)

She had to be wheeled across the hospital attached to all the machines just to go and meet him

This was the first time that mummy could see Ptolemy - he was on a cooling mat and she wasn't allowed to hold him, but she could stroke him and say hello.

We've had LOADS of visitors - one of them was this lovely girl called Holly and I loved her - she was great fun!

We can also take him out with us on big walks in the countryside, which we love of course!

Molly and Gertrude