Love from two smart summer Airegirls
Molly and Gertrude

(ps - it was daddy's birthday last week - a big one apparently.....
Happy Birthday daddy)

Love from two smart summer Airegirls
Molly and Gertrude
(ps - it was daddy's birthday last week - a big one apparently.....
Happy Birthday daddy)
Daddy told us it was where our little brother will sleep and sit - and the best bit about it is, it means he can come out on big walks with us - yippee!
Some of our frineds have told us that the big black tray underneath is where all the puppy treats will go, so we'll just have to wait and see about that.
You see - Gertrude did get brave enough to come and sit next to it for the photo.
Do you like my close-up?? Mummy and daddy finally got a new camera that will take nice clear photos of us without blurring. Apparantly it is the same as the Thuglets' camera - and Molly and Taffy's - so it comes with great recommendations! Thanks guys!
Why am I ALWAYS on the floor with my legs in the air, and Gertie is ALWAYS standing on top of me?! (I like to play the victim, but she knows I could floor her any time I like.....)
Look at him go - the flying pup!
Well, that's about it for now.
Lots of love from
Molly and Gertrude