HELLO! We are so excited to be starting our own blog as we have lots of Dale friends who already have them and and we felt it was about time we joined in. We are Molly (sitting in the photo) and Gertrude (lying down in the photo) and we live in Devon with our humans Kate and Paul. I am almost 3 years old and Gertrude was 1 just last week - we have lots of stories, adventures and photos to share with you as we are really active girls! I am a sensible, gentle pacifist by nature, whereas Gertrude is proving to be a right naughty little bossy boots - she always grabs onto my beard or legs if she wants something from me (I hardly have any beard left since she arrived...) and I always give in. Anything for a quiet life (although secretly I admit to quite enjoying a good wrestle with her - but if I always look as though I am losing I get all the sympathy too, so I'm not that silly!) Over all, I'm really happy to have a little sister but goodness is she hard work at times. I LOVE licking her ears inside and out, so she's good for one thing at least..... My favourite thing is running and swimming - I could win awards with my swimming as I am pretty good at it now. Gertrude isn't so keen about the water yet, though she has had a go....but I don;t think she'll be winning any awards any time soon....what a splash she makes!!