Well - we have decided to take part in Stanley's beard competition!
We wont reveal the current length of our beards (for competitive reasons you understand....)
but here are some photos to give you a taster...
1st up - Gertrude. (above) Does she get a concession for only having had one year in which to grow her beard?? We like the way her beard can be fashioned into a sharp point - it gives her an aristocratic touch.
Next up - it's me, Miss Molly. Once again, is there a concession for having to put
up with a little pup trimming my beard for the last 10 months?? I used to have a fine long beard,
but it is only just about taking shape again after Gertie's stalwart efforts at de-bearding me - hmmph!

So - what's the verdict? Do you think we will stand a chance??
Also today, on other matters, we had a fun afternoon wrapping ourselves up in blankets and pretending we were off camping.

We strolled around with our blankets on our backs, then had a little wrestle together, then checked what was going on outside - all the while be-blanketed.
Then we lay down and had a cosy little sleep, with our blankets curled up around us.
We like Saturdays!
Here is our big girl Gert guarding the house -
doesn't she look fierce..?! (she thinks so)

I thought I had better give her a hand - I am her big sister after all (that's me in the red)!

Today we also went to the post-office with K, to the park, a walk around the block AND to a wildlife park for a run-around - phew, no wonder we are tired and looking forward to our baskets tonight!
AND we even had a bath PLUS our beds were all washed and cleaned - what a day!
Love Molly and Gertrude