I have loved and sucked and cuddled this teddy since I was a pup -
I can spend a good few hours just sitting there sucking it, in a trance.
But - over the months and years I have worn him down a little,
he had no eyes or nose, one ear and half his body was made up of thread after K has had to fix him....and he got lots of washes!

BUt then Gertrude arrived. I have been protecting my bear ever since she has been here, and doing a fairly good job of it - she had him a few times, but nothing that wasn't fixable.
Then, the other day THIS happened.....

She swears it wasn't her......

I made sure Gertie got what was coming to her - naughty little pup.

For now, I have been given a 'temporary bear' but he isn't the same. It's just not fair. I wish I wish I could have my old bear back.......
A terrible thing to happen to a poor innocent, defenceless Teddybear. Your companion of 3 years murdered by your younger sister.
I am sure that in time you will grow to love your new teddy and hopefully love him just as much. You will have to get Mum to tell Gertrude that teddybears are to be loved and not chewed.
Molly and Taffy
Well hello pretty girls. Charmed to meet you.
What shocking behaviour from young Gertrude. What a little minx she is!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
I'm so sorry, Molly! I can see just how special that teddy was to you! I love that picture of him hanging on the clothesline! hehehehe I hope Gertie is sorry for what she did!
Love ya lots,
Oh heck Molly poor poor Teddy. Naughty Gertrude. Maybe she can save her pawmoney for christmas and buy you a new bear?
Very sad - but fabulous photos.
Love The Thugletsx
Webster sends a very big hug and kiss to make you feel better Molly X
Poor Molly, that little sister of yours is so naughty, after all the time you spent getting your bear just the way you liked it too.
Didn't Gertie have her own Bear to play with?
Ellie and Harley
Goodness Gertie, you've really upset Molly now. You're going to have to be really nice to her so she doesn't stay cranky with you. Maybe a new Teddy for her birthday...now that's a great idea.
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Molly - such a terrible thing to happen to such a young bear. I hope Gertrude is sorry for what she did.....I agree she should buy you a new one for your birthday.
Alf xx
Hi Molly,
My name is Ruby, nice to meet you. I'm so sorry to hear about your bear...that is so sad. I hope you can find a new friend soon...but better keep it away from Gertrude!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, girls
Nice to meet you! Its so sad to know about your Teddy Bear fate! Sure you will find another companion soon. Maybe you can teach Gertrude not to chew him!
Have a nice day
I remember you saying about your poor teddy before.There was no way the animal hospital could fix that one. Hopefully in time you will get to love this one just as much I have a teddy called Baby, its lost all his stuffing but he smells just srummy.
Sweet Molly!
Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi. You and Gertrude (do you ever call her Gertie?) are bootiful Airegirls! I love Airegirls...
Big bummer about your bear. Those little puppy razor teeth are dangerous I'll tell you. I hope your peeps understand why you are in mourning. I too am big into stuffy therapy, and have 3 very large stuffies I spread my love among. My heart goes out to you.
Goober love & sympathy hugs,
Stanley (your new goober bud)
Pee Ess
I'm going to link you girls to my blog so I can keep up with your doings!
Hehehe... well just think of it this way Molly, yes it's unfortunate you lost your old bear, but you got a new one that is live!!! Have you tried sucking on Gertrude??
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Poor Molly.
Actually, poor teddy. Had the stuffing knocked out of him, so to speak.
By the way, you may not be interested but the West England and S Wales Airedale Club is having a mass walk on Sunday up at Langport in Somerset. If you are looking to hang out with a whole flotilla of Hairydales, that's the place to be.
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