Hang on...........
I tried to ask Gertrude to investigate with me
but she just sulked and refused to join in.

Well - the news is out - our mum and dad are abandoning us for THREE WEEKS and going all the way around the world to Australia, where our daddy is from.
But - it's not all bad.....because......
Guess who we're going to stay with for the whole time????
How could we not have fun with these great Dales and their lovely humans??
(we are so lucky!)
But, that's not all. There are also some other strange things going on around here.
For one thing - why are all these toys appearing in the attic room?? That's MY sanctuary, where I like to go for a bit of peace and quiet.

Are they for us?!!

There's talk of all this happening at the beginning of October - hey, that's MY birthday!! Wohooo!
On Thursday, we get to see a photograph of this new little person which will be really magic - I wonder what it will look like?
Well, that's enough news for now -
Take care
Molly and Gertrude
You lucky lucky girls. A new person to play with. Lets hope when you see the picture that they look like mum or dad pinky as if they have a ginger beard - it could be very scary!!
Alf n Mindy xxx
PS - have a great time with the Thuglets - and give Teddy a kiss from me! (Mindy) x
Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Girls!!!
I think if your mama & dad had any sense, they'd take the trip to Thuglet Heaven instead of going to Australia! I'm sure you'll miss them, but you're going to have a BLAST!!!
Now, about this new pup that's coming! Give your mama & your dad a big juicy goober smooch of congratulations for me! From what I hear, your mama acts like a gardener, and has to actually GROW this pup herself (I think your dad helped somewhere in the process, but on that part I'm a little fuzzy).
SO. Be extra extra sweet to your mama! This is really great news. Keep us posted on how he/she is growing, okay?
Goober love & smooches,
It's all so exciting at your house! We can't wait to hear about your holiday Chez Thuglet, and hope we too get to see the baby scan photo.
Toodle pip
Harry x
How exciting on both fronts! A new brother or sister to play with AND you get to spend 3 glorious weeks with the Thuglets! OMG, life is grand!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMG! GUYS! HUGE exciting NEWS! Congrats!
Putter ...:)
Woo hoo not long now gals. Wonder what the Thuglets have install for you two....some digging no doubt. Wonder if you'll get to meet the donks??
We hope your mummy is feeling ok. She needs to be in good shape to travel all the way here.
Wow a new little person puppy to play with. That's pretty exciting stuff.
We can't wait to see the pics of your holiday.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
ps. we've got big licks planned for your pinkies when they come to visit us hee hee.
Hi Molly and Gertrude
Have a lovely time with The Thuglets, you are going to have a Terrierific holiday!
We wish a safe journey to the other side of the world for your Mummy and Daddy and we look forward to seeing all your photos.
Molly and Taffy
You lucky Dogettes! Getting to spend three weeks with the Thuglets will be great! Eight Airedales in one place will be priceless! We hope to see pictures!
Poppy & Penny
You two will have a fantasic time with the thuglets I can tell you I was that tired when i stayed I think I slept for a week afterwards.
My Favourite bit was running round in cicles around the summer house.
Hope you take your bucket and spade I'm sure there will be plenty of digging.
You will be surprised how quick the time goes and the 3 weeks will fly by.
I hope we all get to see the photo of this little human.
Ludo the cool dude.
Wow that is all terrific news!! A trip for your family staying with THE THUGLETS!!!! and getting a new puppy human!!!! Congratulations!!! Love A+A
How exciting! Three weeks with the Thuglets, I bet you'll barely miss your 'rents. You'll be digging with Cora soon enough. He he! Another exciting thing is your soon to be puppy hooman. Yeah. I keep telling mom and dad to get me one of those, so far no luck. Keep us posted on the new little one. Have a wonderful holiday with the Thuglets & I hope your parents have a great time in Australia!!!
Your pal,
WHHHHHOOO HOOOOOOOO.....2 days to go!
We are all getting very exicted here ...especually the boys! The pair of them have gone all gooooie!
We are goona have some great fun girls!
To Molly & Gerties hooman mum and dad ..we will take great care of the girls. Make sure you have a lovely holiday.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Molly, Gerta!
You lucky girls! Spending 3 WEEKS with the Thuglets AND getting a new brother or sister! I tell you what, little humans make GREAT noises and even GREATER smells! (I'm speaking from experience here as we've had a new human - Amelie - last October and I LOVE her!) Congratulations to your mum and dad, enjoy your trip!
Finni xx
Enjoy your holiday with the Thuglets, we are sure you will have a great time.
We can't wait to meet your pinkies when they get to Melbourne....not long now.
Miss Ellie and Baz xxxx
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