Happy weekend everybody!

Gert can fly!!
We had a fantastic day in the woods with K today.
It was a beautiful autumnal day - so pretty -
with golden leaves floating all around us.

Here's Gert running back after taking off after a
squirrel in the woodland.

We didn't catch anything - we never do -
but it's fun trying!

For some reason we had to have our photo taken
infront of this tree. Who wants to sit down when
there's fun to be had and places to run?!

I found myself a nice chewy stick - yum! Gertrude did try to
steal it from me, but I told her to get her own. Pups, eh?!
Sounds like the walk in the woods was fun. I quite understand about the posing in front of things,god knows why they make us do that,when there is smells to check out.
Love the jumping you will have to start agility I think.
You are true athletes girls, very impressive. Maybe with a few more weeks of glucosamine I can compete with you!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
What a beautiful day and a wonderful time you had! We wish we could have joined you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Haa haa Gertie really is flying over that log. You gals get to have so many outings where you can run free exploring everything in sight. You're so lucky. We have to stay on our leads because we'd disappear otherwise lol.
Have a good Sunday.
Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Molly & Gertrude!!
You two crack me up! I would love to see video of you hurtling over those trees. Gert really does look like she's about ready to take off into the sky with those ears of hers.
Hope you guys had a good week. I'm playing catch up since my hooman girl was gone to go pick up my new sissy.
Missing you.
Goober love,
Wow look at you two fly!! There's something about autumn woods and Airedales, they just go together so well.
Is this at Haldon Forest? We've just heard about it recently and think we need to pay it a visit.
We must get together sometime for a chase around. I can't believe we live so close but still haven't met!
big hairy hugs
Hi girls!! Just stopping in for a visit!! We are Agatha and Archie 2 year old brother and sister Wire fox terriers from Boston ,Mass.We think you guys are fabulous!!!! Come over and visit!! Love A+A
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