exceeedingly good reading!
No.1 - we have the best-ever cook-book as it is just for us!
It even comes with a bone-shaped cookie cutter so we can make some
delicious treats of our very own!

funny tales in the Dastardly Book for Dogs.
It really does have soem great advice for us Dales and other doggies -
for instance: 'How and where to hide a bone' 'How to embarass your owner'
'How to avoid wearing silly costumes' 'How to lick all the peanut butter off a not-so-cunningly-hidden pill' and 'When is it ok to eat another dog's poo'.....! (ps - the answer is 'always' of course)
It really is priceless!!

mmm - peanut butter and cheese cookies.... tasty tea-time snacks.....
beef and onion biscuits.....
My tummy is rumbling just thinking about it!

I shall settle down by the fire with a glass of something and a
jolly good read.
Happy Christmas folks!
Love Molly
What great books and a cookie cutter too! You're going to be whipping up all kinds of stuff to share, Molly!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
woofies Molly and Gertie, yummmmy fur the cook book...me iz hungry now.....and merry christmas to u!!!
b safe,
Ooh MOlly, your book looks so interesting. Do let us know how you get on with all your cooking.
Have a lovely Christmas
Molly and Taffy
Those books looks like fine reads!
A very happy Christmas to you girls (and to mum and dad too!)
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Coooorrr...your books look like a dale good read girls!
let us know if there are any recipes you recommend.
regardies the thugletsx
Big Kisses Webster & TeddyXX
Excellent books! I hope you are going to share a dastardly tip with us every day from now on.
Have a great Christmas
Merry Christmas, Molly and Gertrude!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hiya Molly & Gert,
B saw the Dastardly Book for Dogs at our local bookshop. It's great.
Hope your enjoying Christmas day and hiya to Kate and Paul.
Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Those books surely must be on the best seller list!! You look very studious!! Love A+A
What a book! We especially like the parts entitled,'How to embarrass your owner'and 'How to avoid wearing silly costumes'. It seems to be the unfortunate fate of you airedales that you're insufferably cute, so folks naturally want to dress you up as little ballerinas, bumblebees, etc. Poor humans don't realize that the ideal costume for a dale is a coat of mud! Rock on...
Merry Christmas,
Buster, Persephone, & Bailey
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