It's Harry!!!

We were so lucky we got to go for a walk with Harry, the 10 month old Golden Retriever.
We've never met Harry before, although our mum and dad first saw him when he was a tiny bundle of goldenness....but now he is old enough to run and play with us!
Here we are all posing together in the green fields.

What do you think of my stylish new headgear - I thought I looked quite the bees-knees. Just like daddy's flat-cap I reckon.
There was greenery everywhere and lots of lush grass to eat
By the end of the walk, Gert and I were pretty worn out!

Oh yes - and how could we forget..... Mummy went for her 20 week scan on Wednesday so they could have a good old look at our new baby......and, guess what....
It's a boy!!!
So, sorry Persephone, it looks like we wont be stealing your name after all, or any of the other girls names for that matter.....Buster, well, we'll think about yours but no promises ok!!
Looks peaceful in there don't you think?
Love Molly and Gertrude
What a beautiful spot for a walkie and to play together! Harry is sure one handsome boy!
How awesome that you're going to have a baby brother! Mitch is a nice name! hehehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Molly and Gertrude, looks like you had a lovely day. We've been to Killerton too! Such a nice place.
I think its only fair that your pinky has a boy - it will even up the numbers for your dad!
Catch you soon.
Alf n Mindy xx
Hello Molly and Gertrude
Molly! You must have smelt absolutely gorgeous after rolling in the cow pat. We are so jealous.
The photos of your baby brother are so good too, have you decided on any names for him yet?
Molly and Taffy
Oh there is that oh so sweet photo of Noah cute.
Molly, I hope your pinkies have washed your head by now...hee hee!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xxxx
What a great place for walkies! Harry sure is a cutie! Looks like you all had a really great time.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Well that looks like a barrel of fun you guys!!! And the baby is lovely! Archie has a little about Archie?? love A+A
Hey pals, what about Jackson as a boy's name? It's got a certain ring to it, doncha think? Hehehe! J x
Babies are the best, you guys are so lucky. I have 6 human cousins and we have so much fun playing. They are great at throwing the ball and feeding me treats. Love,Neko
Ooooohh! Congratulations! A Baby Brother! Do you realize he will be naked?!? No fur! Nada!
Gertrude's headgear looks ace! I bet it smelled great too.
Finni xx
Ooooops! That was you with the headgear Molly. Sorry! Looks great!
Finn xx
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