Little pup Shane has come to stay with us for THREE nights!! Yippeee!
Look at us all together - such good Dales......

Shane hasn't met Gertrude before. They certainly seemed to like each other straight away!
Play with me Molly!

We love having somebody extra about to chase us with our toys!

First he picks his victim.....

Ok, I'm down! (Molly - he is only half your size!!)

Thank gooodness for that - he does sleep sometimes

It is fun having another little puppy here to take out on walks and play play play!
Love Molly, Gertrude and little Shane
Hi Molly and Gertrude
Little Shane looks adorable. You certainly were perfect hostesses letting him play with your toys and keeping him amused.
Is he going to visit you again?
Molly and Taffy xx
Hey pals, Shane is so cute! Watch out for those puppy teeth!J x
Crikey Shane's got loads of energy. He really is a cutie pie. That was so good of you gals to babysit him for the weekend.
tail wags
Noah xx
Shane is just adorable! We bet you two girls are going to sleep like rocks when he leaves! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Come on Molly, you knoow you were loving it really!
Toodle pip
Harry x
My girl is getting ideas... and that's not good.
You guys look hilAire-eous running from the Shane Monster! He really likes to fly and pounce, doesn't he? Looks like you all tuckered yourselves out but good while he was there.
I especially like the photos of him taking you down, Molly! You made it almost look real.
Goober love & smooches,
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