We haven't updated our blog for a while - so here's a quick taster
of what we have been up to!
We've had LOTS of great trips out - daddy took us to Dartmoor one day and we walked and walked and climbed and ran and had a wonderful time.
We especially love climbing on the rocks.

Sometimes our old frined Chester the Airedale comes to this park, but we haven't seen him for a while now. He is very slow and old and has trouble with his hips, poor thing.
Here's daddy giving us a little lecture on how to use the baby equipment. This is apparantly a seat for the car - now we both know how to strap little baby Torney in so we'll be able to help out if neccessary.
We listened very hard and had a good sniff - just to be sure we understood properly

This is our mummy THREE weeks ago! Blimey - you can imagine how big she is now! We are worried she is going to burst.

This is our mummy THREE weeks ago! Blimey - you can imagine how big she is now! We are worried she is going to burst.

There are quite a few Dale pictures around the place - this little baby is going to grow up loving us Dales of course!!

Well - bye for now!
Lots of love from
Molly and Gertrude
Looks like you are fully equipped to use the baby carrier/seat thingy. When I was a baby I used to like sitting in Emily or Jessica's booster seat in the car, tee hee!
Cassidy x
You two look very serious as your daddy was teaching you how to use the baby seat. Not long till baby Torney arrives...you must be so excited.
How's the new bongo going?? Are you missing the mighty Volvo??
Hugs and tailwags to you all.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Your mom is quite an artist! Baby Torney is going to love what she drew for him!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
w00f's Molly and Gertie...heehee it looks like not to much longer and dat hooman pup iz gonna pop out...me loves the picksur ur mama did fur baby Torney..
b safe,
pps, me loved to c ur walkie, dat iz a high mountian...
Oh, the nursery is just lovely. I bet you can't wait for the baby to arrive! You both are going to be wonderful big sisters. What a great time you've been having. Days at the park and out and about in the country! Cimbing those rocks looks super cool, I'm glad you two have had so much fun!
Your pal,
Baby Torney is one lucky little hooman pup! I bet you can't wait to meet him!
It looks to me like he'll be all snug in his nursery, and that your parents are very wise for getting you ready to be nannies.
Please give you mama some goober smooches on her big belly for me!
Goober love,
You girls have been busy! I like the picture of Molly sitting in the doorway that your Mum drew - I always like sitting in doorways too. It won't be so long before Baby Torney arrives now will it? He is due on my Amelie's first birthday -12th October isn't he? His room is lovely and cosy. I'm not allowed Amelie's toys either :( but she likes playing with mine :)
Bye for now.
Finni xx
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