c. 12 days to go..................!

As you know, Gertrude and I have been very interested in all the new things arriving in our house. This funny basket thing moves and there are some very interesting noisy toys inside it that we have our eyes on...!

We are practising our guarding skills - I wonder, do you think we should drag our beds up here too so that we can be on constant baby watch??

You see - I told you there were interesting toys everywhere - just hiding from us!

Here I am checking on everything in the nursery

And look - just some of the Airedale pictures that baby Torney will be able to look at!

AND 12 days to go until Molly's birthday!! Yippee!! I hope that they don't forget what with everything going on....
Mummy finishes work this Friday and then she'll be home with us for 9 whole glorious months!!
Lots of love from
Molly and Gertrude
We're all counting down the days gals. Gosh it's so close now no wonder you're all so excited. We can't wait to find out baby Torney's name hee hee.
Bet your mum is very pleased about finishing work on Friday YAHOOOO.
Noah xx
What a gorgeous quilt! We hope your nana has started on one for each of you!
What a beautiful room for a baby to come home to!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Everything looks so beautiful, you all must be so excited. I can't wait to see you both with the baby. Yeah for big sisters!! And even better, your Mom will be home with you!! Wooh hooh!!
Your pal,
12 days wow thats gone so quick. I hope you girls have been learning your babysitting skills.
This will be a life changing experience when your little baby arrives. Be patient with your new baby it won't belong until Torney will be your best friend ever.
No work for 9 months your mum must be over the moon. look after your mum now.
Ludo the cool dude (also the wise one hahahhah)
This is so exciting! Only 11 days to go. I have to wait 16 days for my girls and boys to arrive. You never know if they come early your hooman brother and my girls and boys could share the same birthday as Molly!
That is a very beautiful nursery for your brother to come home to. Your Aussie nana is very clever - what a beautiful quilt!
Finni xx
Wow - time is ticking away now girls. I really think your mum should have gone for a home birth and then you could really have been in on the action...........second thoughts - maybe not!
Good luck - 9 months of having mum home - what happens then do you get to look after baby when she goes back to work?
Alf n Mindy xxxx
PS Please hurry up baby we go in kennels on 12th and won't be back until 20th,,,
I must be the last to hear ANY news in blogland...oh my...!!!
Do you need any nursing help?? I can do bottles, diapers, and child managament....let me know!!!!!
The nursery is boootiful...you have fireplace in it??? That's the coolest thing ever!!!!!
Barkin' at ya!!
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