Meet Ptolemy Saxon Templar Torney!!
This is our new baby brother who was born on 18th October 2008

Unfortunately, things did not go very well and mummy ended up having surgery and being in Intensive Care and hospital for 2 weeks.... both she and Ptolemy were very ill and very nearly didn't come home at all because there were lots of complications...... She is very lucky to still be here with us.

...but gradually mummy got better and after a few days she was able to go and meet Ptolemy for the first time (he was in the neo-natal unit because he was poorly too)
She had to be wheeled across the hospital attached to all the machines just to go and meet him

This was the first time that mummy could see Ptolemy - he was on a cooling mat and she wasn't allowed to hold him, but she could stroke him and say hello.

Slowly, Ptolemy also got better.....But mummy still didn't come home. Every lunchtime and evening daddy would come alone and we wondered where on earth she was. When he brought her washing home we sniffed and sniffed it and wished she would come home soon.

Then, one day she did come home! And they brought Ptolemy with them! This was the first night home. Gertrude immediately took to motherhood - she is fascinated by Tolly and is quite happy to curl up with him and keep him warm.

This is me, Molly - keeping an eye on the strange little creature whi makes funny noises.

And here we both are keeping guard!

Both mummy and Ptolemy have got a lot better and we have been on some trips out with the Mountain Buggy.....

We've had LOADS of visitors - one of them was this lovely girl called Holly and I loved her - she was great fun!

Throughout everything daddy has made sure we still get lots of walks and fuss.

Ptolemy is now 4 weeks old! He is really starting to look like a little person - and goodness does he make a lot of noise!!

He likes his bouncy chair. We like to sniff him when he is in it.

Gertrude is like his Guardian

We can also take him out with us on big walks in the countryside, which we love of course!

Over all, he's not a bad little brother - in fact he's quite cute really, but hard work....

Finally, we are all one big family again and things are getting better and better every day! Mummy has a way to go before she is back to her normal self, but she will get there eventually.

We are quite happy as you can see!
Lots of love from Molly and Gertrude
w00f's Molly and Gertie, wow, u all sure been through a lot..me is glad u mum and brudder is ok and home..hes a cutie fur sure..hope u allcontinue to feel better, u r in our thoughts and prayers..
b safe,
~rocky and company~
Molly, your Mummy & Daddy know how worried we've all been but things sure have turned around now. Little Tolley is a real cutie and is very very lucky to have the very best 2 big sisters ever. Gertie makes a very good guardian.
We love the last 2 photos especially....one big happy family.....good stuff!!!!!!!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy xxxx
(OK, try again ... silly typo!)
Hi Molly and Gert, I was wondering why we hadn't heard anything for a while! Looks like you've not had an easy time! That photo of your mum in ICU looks scary!!!
Little Tolley is just gorgeous - naturally! He was born on the same day as my girls! Things didn't go so well there either, but all is well now.
The last two photos show what a wonderful time you'll be having from now on.
Lots of Love and hard headrubs.
Finni xx
Congratulations! Little Tolley is just beautiful! Our mom was teary-eyed all through your posting! We're so glad to hear that things are turning themselves around! You girls are going to be the best nannies ever! Your mom is going to need all the help she can get!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I'm so happy to hear your family is all together again at home including your beautiful new brother for snuggling.
Looks like you both will take good care of him and also give some good healing licks to your mom.
What a handsome family you all make!
OMG! Molly and Gertrude!
We are so glad here that ALL is okay with your Mom and little brother! OMG! We are so happy! You both look like the best ever sister nannies in the whole world! Take it from ME, I know it is hard work ... I have been at it for 14 months now and it is hard sometimes, but overall TONS of FUN! You will just love it! Listen, MY little brothers were born a little early and needed to stay in the NICU for some time too! They are just pawfect now just like your little brother! Well, just wanted to drop by to say that we are so excited for you and relieved that all is okay! Best to all okayest ever!
Putter ...:)
Wow, you all have been through so much lately, but I'm so happy to see how great your Mom and Tolley are doing! Tolley is just too cute and he is geting so big already!! Your Mom is looking amazing too. I'm just happy that everyone is home and that you all are together now. Aire kisses to your Dad for taking such good care of you while your Mom was in the hospital. I can't wait to see more pics of you both with Tolley, you guys are all too cute!!
Your pal,
Oh, my goodness! My mom and I have been wondering about your new baby brother. We are so happy that everyone is finally home and doing so well! What a scary time for all of yall! Your baby brother is very cute and he is so lucky to have such sweet 'dale sisters!! We hope your mum gets better very soon!!
I'm so glad that your Mum and your new brother are ok and everyone is home, healthy and happy! Congratulations!
We are sooooo happy that everything turned out okay! I bet you didn't even know that there were 3 Aire-girls and their mom praying for all of you! We were soooo happy when we found out your mum was off the ventilator! Now, you look like one big, happy family...as it should be!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Its great to see you blogging again.I know we have seen these photos a couple of weeks or so ago but its great to see them again its a good reminder of how lucky you all are.
Keep getting stronger and look forward to more beautiful pics especially of molly and gertie heheheheheheheh.
Ludo the cool dude
Welcome Home to your Mummy and Ptolomey. Thank goodness you are all on the mend.
It'll be great in the summer when you can all go out for a good long walk together.
Alf n Mindy xx
Hey, Molly & Gertie Girl!
WHOA! Please give your mama, baby Tolly & your dad all big healing & comforting goober smooches from us! You all have been through a LOT, but we are STINKIN' GLAD that your mama & baby Tolly are home and doing so much better!
Be sure to take a few of those goob smooches for yourselves, girlies! I've missed your fuzz faces and it's good to see you!!
Goober love,
Hi ya Molly and Gertie, your little brother is kinda cute, and Gertie you make a great guardian watching over Tolly. Good girl!
Glad to hear that everyone is home and happy and getting healither.
Ellie and Bazzy
Wow that is a lot to go through. Good thing you are such great baby sitters to help your little brother grow.
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