What would you do if you were out walking in the forest and came across....
Aaaaaaaaghhh! Run..........!!
Is it Snow Bears....or Yetis....
Nope - just us Snowy Dales - far less scary when you know us.....heehee
I make rather a pretty Snow girl don't you think!
Gert was working on an impressive snow beard

We were so excited we wanted to get out to play! It was Gertrude's first snow ever!

Come on then - stop taking photos!

So we went to the park and met lots of other folks out having fun

This was us before it got really deep in our back garden - WHY is Gerta lying down??

It was Ptolemy's first snow too - we think he was also trying to be a snow bear, just like us!

Rugged up snuggle baby

Snow fun !!

Snow fights!

The next day it was less snowy - and we took the Mountain Buggy down into the park with us

Tolly didn't seem to mind the cold

We are so glad we have our woolly coats at the moment

Daddy found a HUGE snowball that somebody else had made - we didn't know what to make of it. Watch out Molly, he's coming for you....

Is he trying to roll us up into it too!

Where's Molly gone?? Is she in there?!

We have decided - we love the snow!

From some very happy snowy bears
Molly and Gertrude
If I saw you two snow bunnies out there looking like that I would run like the wind over to you, give you both a good sniff, and invite you to wrassle around with me in the snow! Then I'd go over to Tolly and give him a big juicy goober smooch all the way up his face - from his chin to his hairline!
Good looks must run in your family, and it's a good thing Tolly got the snow gene too! Tolly looks like a little snugabug in his bear outfit. We just want to reach through the puter and snuggle him up!
We hope you get some more snow so you can refine your snowbunny ways! Strangely, it's 70 degrees here today.
Goober love & smooches,
What awesome snow pictures! I wish our dad would build us a snowman like your dad is building for you guys and Tolly! Next year Tolly will be able to help build one too hopefully!
We love the close-up of your snowy faces!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi there Miss Molly and Gertrude. I'm very pleased that you stopped by to say hello, and could see my summer holiday photos. It's so HOT, HOT, HOT in Australia at the moment...around 40 degrees Celcius...so I guess that's probably over 100 degrees F for you guys. Noah would have told you that we've been swimming together in the pond in their yard, and it's been great. More later when mum says I can get some more computer time..love..Colin Harries
I think yall are the prettiest snow girls ever! I am so envious of all of your snow! I would love to play in the snow with you! It has been so hot here in Alabama lately. Your little brother is an adorable little snow bear, too! I bet yall can't wait until he is big enough to run and play with you!I am sure you make him giggle!!
Gosh the snow shots on sunny days look great. We love all the pics gals. We got a bit scared at first thinking it was the abominable snowdale but then we realised it was you two. How is little Aussie Tolly enjoying his first snow?
Noah xx
Molly and Gertrude,
I wanted to let you know that mom has moved my blog to a new url address. It's: www.lifewithjanie.blogspot.com
I really hope you will still come visit me!!
Wow, snow looks fun! How I wish we have snow too! But we do not have snow here in Malaysia. I am sure my pal, Beckham the labrador, would enjoy playing in the snow too!
We love the snow pics M & G! We enjoyed the snow too. Mum particularly likes Tolly's bearsuit ears!!!!
Finni & Nelly xx
Just got caught up on ur bloggie...you Dales look like wooly teddy bears with all that fur...we just got groomed yesterday...alas...fur is GONE, BABY, GONE!
You two have such a beautiful family!!! Snow is just the best, isn't it...though were sorta gettin' sick of it here!!!
Love ya lots,
Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan
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