Because today I received a very special parcel!
Gertrude helped me to open it.......
You can see I am very happy with this new title!

yummy treats which I have shared with 'le Grenouille/Gertrick' (Gertrude)
Here I am having a quiet moment to reflect on my new-found honour....

We loved taking part and I am frankly quite amazed that my beard has grown the most....hmmmm......and I'm not entirley sure the measurements stated are quite accurate, but I'm not complaining!! I had thought Gertrude had done quite a good job of cropping it for me, but perhaps all that extra saliva she has provided did the trick and made it GROW?? Or perhaps it was her expert pruning skills - to divert the growth downwards rather than outwards...? Who knows - it may just be all the treats I eat, heeheehee!
Well - that's enough excitement for one day!
Time for a snooze on my throne.
Idol Molly
her Princess Lady Gertrude
You'll ALWAYS be our idol. And a Champion Beard-Grower to boot! We think that airedale beards are the coolest--especially when muddied and thrust into some human's unsuspecting face.
Wonder if any of us will reach that Eight-Inch career record...
In humble admiration,
Your buddies,
Buster, Persephone, & Ms. Bailey
You da girl Molly!!!!!!!! First Idol then most improved beard...what a year for you. Well done and congratulations from your pals down under.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
What a year!! Congrats!!! Archie had to pull out of the beard contest becasue he had too much chewie in his beard!! Love A+A
Whoooooooooohooooooooooo - congratulations, girlfren! Today is your lucky day all around - first the idol award and now a beard award! Is your head gonna fit out the back door when you have to go pee!! hehehehe
We're THRILLED for you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wooo Hooooooo
Congratulations Molly!
Way to go Molly girl.
The Thugletsx
Two very well deservered wins. I know you'll take it all in your stride Molly. Hope Gertrude isn't sulking though!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
AWESOME MOLLY...& an IDOL all at the same time! i just had to reply in the person of me.. theBUSTER w/o the rest of them... ;o]
------->Congratulations <--------
on your MIB....
Idol Molly!
Congratulations,girlie! You are amazing, and I had no idea you were up for that award. I feel honored just to know you.
And, Miss Gertrude! Congratulations on winning most improved beard (my girl was having trouble reading some of the measurements, but that's hoomans for you).
I need you to peemail me your snail mail address please so I may send you your prizes.
Whoa! 2 award-winning girl-dales in 1 household. Is there still room in there for your hoomans?
Goober love & smooches,
I'm so pleased you won planet Idol you do deserve it. We think you are great.
Now the beardy contest is won we think you should have it permed.
love your trophey i'm sure you are proud of it and your mum must be delighted.
Cool dudey Ludo
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