Happy Holidays! Well - we are back and boy did we have a great week away in the Lake District.
We are true Majestic Mountain Bears.
This is a really long entry because we have just so many photos to share and stories to tell....
So sit back and hear all about our holiday.
We stayed in a cute little cottage with an open-fire and slate floors
It was certainly a 'Double-Airedale proof' cottage
Here we are checking out what is cooking in the kitchen
The weather was wet and soggy all week long. Here is poor Gertrude being pelted with hailstones during a particularly wild and windy walk. We had to be protected by mummy and daddy until the hailstorm was over because it was like little stones being thrown into our eyes. Molly hated it.
The Lake District is an exquisitely beautiful location. We climbed lots of mountains and enjoyed some lovely views despite the bad weather (when the clouds lifted!)

Peek-a-boo Molly - I am the King of the Mountain

Here we are on a far-away rocky ridge with mummy. Our agility skills are perfectly honed and we could leap and scramble up anything!

As we said - the weather up in the mountains can get pretty miserable in January. But we were always careful not to go anywhere too dangerous.

Look how windy it was! We had to hold daddy down else he would have blown away!

One day we met up with a beautiful Airedale called Ted. Here he is leading the pack with us behind - it was great to be able to run and play with him. ps. - the signpost next to us here said 'Dales Way' and it is pointing right at us!

Ted lives in a lovely place called Windermere - he took us up his nearby hill to show us the sights. Afterwards we had pigs ears back at his place and Gertrude snuck a snooze in his bed!

Here I am trying to blend in with the long grasses - do you think the camouflage works??

Here we are nearly at the summit of one mountain - showing daddy the way. It was so rocky we had to scramble all the way!

At the top! We claim this to be Our Mountain.

And then you always have to go back down again - ah well.

Climbing with daddy

I am a great one for fine views. I love just sitting and taking in the beauty of the Lakes and hills. Daddy clearly had the same idea.

Do you like my back-drop?

Gertrude is never far behind me when I am racing up the mountainside - being a hardened mountain Dale I like to show her the way and how it should be done. She was getting braver and braver by the day.

Hey mum - look at me!

A stile like this is nothing to me - it's funny to think I used to refuse to go over stiles and had to be lifted over!

Hang on Molly - I'm coming too! Did I mention that Gertrude will follow me anywhere?!

Well - almost anywhere....
Poor Gertrude couldn't manage everything and got a little stuck here, poor pup. We had to show her the way up.

Do you know what - this holiday thing is pretty good!
Gertrude makes a great fireside pillow.

We even found little lakes (tarns) on the tops of the mountains! We just loved all the snowy mountains.

Oh look - another lake! This one is Buttermere.
I was keen for a swim on Derwent water so excitedly followed daddy onto the jetty....Gertrude came too......
Oh dear Gerta - did daddy throw you in? I bet you regretted following me!
But I just love to swim and retrieve sticks from the water. It is my favourite thing ever.
The water was like glass - still, tranquil and perfect - (that is until Gertrude came splashing in after me!)
So - there you have it. Our magical holiday in the Lakes is over but we will dream about it for a long time. You can't fail to be impressed by the beauty of nature when it surrounds you like this - we are both so lucky.
Lots of love from
Molly and Gertrude
Gosh did we enjoy that. You girls have no fear. Do the pinkies ever worry about you falling or slipping. The scenery is so magical. No wonder D keeps harping on about the place, now we know why. Thanks for sharing those wonderful pics.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Wow you lucky pair. We loved looking at your photo's and reading all the walks and mountains and swims. You can't believe how wonderful the lakes are unless you see them yourselves.
The hols must have passed so quick for you but at least you have the memories of such a fantastic holiday. So have you started to plan the next hols.May be you could get pet passports and venture abroad, it sounds like you all love your hols together why not get them to take you some where really different.
Thanks for sharing your hols with us it was not a long post at all because we felt we were there too.
Ludo the cool dude
Wow, girls. That looks like a magical holiday! You really are intrepid mountaineers, I am impressed. I just love the picture of you two curling up in front of the fire - it looks so cozy.
Finni xx
Those photos be beautiful! And you girls be so brave and sporty! Me thinks me would like holidays like that when me be big girl.
Cassidy x
Wow girls looks like you had a fantastic holiday..fabulous photos and OMD aren't you fit!
We made a mistake, with Cora being ill ealier we lost track of time and you had left for your hols before we knew it! Nest time hopefully we can diary in a get together..but it would be a quiet walk.LOL
Great to see you back.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
OMG, your pictures are just INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! What a super holiday you all had! You are sure lucky dogs!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What an AMAZING trip, you guys are so lucky. How cool it must have been climbing all those mountains and hills and swimming in all those lakes. Man, I'm so ready for a holiday now too. Mom and Dad will need to work on planning that. Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures!!
Your pal,
What a fabulous trip!! You all look like you had a wonderfull time!! And how beautifull!!! Love A+A
What a marvellous holiday you had. Getting out into the country and doing huge walks is just the best. We loved all the photos of your adventures.
Molly and Taffy
What a fantastic time you had in the Lakes. I am only sorry that you weren't staying at our Lake District Holiday Cottages. I would have loved the glowing review that you have obviously made here.
If you ever need to visit the Lake District again, please take a look and see what we have to offer. I'm sure if you promised to write such a wonderful record of your holiday we would be able to offer a discount.
What a beautiful holiday. Love,Neko
Hey pals, what a pawsome holiday. I've never been to the Lakes, but J1 & J2 have and love it there. Maybe I'll get to visit there one day. J x
Wowee Girls you certainly had a great time. The lakes are just great - well according to Mum they are - I wouldn't get my feet wet to be honest! I feel all relaxed now and ready to face the world!
Alf n Mindy x
Oh, Man!
Molly & Gertrude, you two are living the life! I'd love to mountain climb with you and your peeps! You're very brave & agile girly pups.
The photos are amazing! So many great places to replenish your AireZen and take in the scenery! I definitely think I could hang with you guys and your peeps.
Thanks for sharing your holiday. I feel a little more relaxed now.
Goober love & welcome home smooches,
Wow, it looks like you had a really great week! What a beautiful place!
Poppy & Penny
Give our compliments to the human(s) holding the camera! Those are extraordinary pictures.
We had a hunch that the Lake District is to Airedales what County Kerry is to us Irish peasant-dogs... 'Cept even prettier, perhaps. Did you see Wordsworth's ghost strolling along the shore? It's incredible that one region inspired so much great poetry and literature, from Thomas Gray to Beatrix Potter. Those pictures are as beautiful as we've seen, and the landscape is improved by the presence of Molly & Gertrude!
Persephone & Buster
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