Well - three long weeks are up and it was finally time to leave the Thuglet Basecamp - sigh.
We have had such a great time with the Thuglets and K and A - they have all been so generous to us and made sure that we had the best holiday ever!
THANK YOU THUGLETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and thanks to everybody who went to visit us on their blog - didn't they take some brilliant photos??!!)
Here I am on the long trip home watching over daddy's shoulder just to ensure he knew his way home......

Well - 3 weeks of raucous playing in the mud with 6 Airedales can have its toll on girls like us - so when we got home we had a warm soapy bath. Actually, we did smell rather nice and weren't too dirty at all, but you can't beat a good bath to make you all fluffy and cosy again after a long journey.
I leapt into the bath and curled up, waiting for the fun to begin - can you see my huge smile??!!

Gertrude waited patiently for her turn to go under the shower!

But don't worry Thuglets, I've reserved a small amount of special Thuglet mud under my left paw so that I can lick it now and again and remind myself of the fun we all had together....
That evening we were so tired. Everything suddenly caught up on us and we slept and slept for as long as we could. We were both a bit confused and bewildered by our adventures and took a bit of time to adjust to being back home.

Whilst they were in Australia, our mum and dad met up with Noah and his sisters, Brooke (Opy's mum) AND Jo and Tim who are Ellie and Baz's pawrents!
Jo and Tim sent us some amazing squeaky toys - one is a kangaroo an the other is a koala -
THANKS so much, they are brilliant!

Come on, just let us play with the toys!!

Gertrude rather took a shine to the Koala!

AND the Thuglets sent us home with some toys too - we are so so lucky you wouldn't believe it!
We loved playing with the Thuglet's pink hedgehog so much that they gave us our very own hedgehogs - one pink and one yellow!! They make a great noise and are such fun!

As you can see, I am quite fond of the hedgehogs....


I love this pink one!!

It isn't for us (yeah right...) but we still tried to see if he would play with us.
(He wouldn't, by the way - boring wombat)
We have had such an event-filled 3 weeks that we need a bit of time to just recover our breath.
We have so many lovely memories and I know I'll be dreaming of Thuglet Towers for a long long time.....

This video is really funny - here we are meeting Wally the Wombat for the first time....
Hmmm - not too sure about him at all.
(warning, I do bark quite a lot - and Gertrude just does some silly waggy tail dances)!!
With lots of love from
Molly and Gertrude
Glad to hear that you are home and enjoyed a good sleep. There's nothing quite like having a sleep in your own bed is there - (or the pinkies!), after being away!
Love the pictures - especially Molly in the bath!! Mad dog!
Alf n Mindy xx
PS - Beware of the Wombat - he looks a bit dangerous to me!
Hello Girlies, Paul and Kate
Lovely to see you all again. We bet you were tired after three weeks of Thuglet playtime. We are looking forward to seeing more soon, once your mum and dad have caught up on the chores!
Hugs from us all xx
We are glad you are all home safely! We have been watching your adventures at Basecamp Thuglet. They will really miss you! Molly, we can't believe you actually get into the tub willingly! We run and hide when someone mentions BB's (that means Big Baths). Enjoy your big sleep!
Poppy & Penny
You must have been so happy to see mummy and daddy again!
Me adores the photo of you in the bath Molly!
What was the matter with the Wombat? I would have stolen him and played with him in an instant!
Cassidy x
Hello Molly and Gertrude
We really enjoyed looking at all the great times you had with the Thuglets.
Glad your Mum and Dad got back safely to England and hope they had a fantastic trip.
Molly and Taffy
You must all be so glad to be back home! We know you girls had a blast with the Thuglet bunch - we kept up with your daily adventures!
What a cute video! You're not too fond of that wombat, are you, Molly?!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Although it's good to go away it's great to be home isn't it girls??Although it sure looked like a GREAT time at Camp Thuglet!!! Glad your Mum and Dad had a good time too!! Love A+A
Oh Molly you really didn't like Wally very much did you?
We are glad that you like the kangaroo and the koala that our pinkies got for you though.
Bet you are glad your pinkies are home ey? Although you looked like you were having a great time at Basecamp Thuglets.
Love Ellie and Baz
Oh Molly, did that nasty wombat upset you. All your barking made Noah's head tilt from side to side...hee hee my silly brother.
We loved reading about your adventures at the Thuglets house. All the piccies were great too. K did a very good job, everyone could see how much fun you were all having.
Did your pinkies tell you how us girls gave them lots of cuddles and how Noah is a big snob lol.
Hugs and tail wags
Willow xx
ps. Isn't Lucy a big smoocher
I barked at Mr Wombat too Molly (though I didn't know it at the time, just heard this Airedale barking ...) He doesn't look too dangerous though!
Welcome home! That was a very busy 3 weeks by the looks of it! (I'm kind of hoping mum can book me in at the thuglets too - they have some outstanding toys!) Look forward to your excellent posts.
Finni xx
Hey, Molly & Gertie!
You girls had such a blast at Basecamp Thuglet that I'm surprised they let you go home! I'm sure they're missing your fuzzy faces.
I know what you mean. I always have to take a few days to recover from any vacation I take. Looks like your mama & dad are happy to be home with their girls again. That wombat was a little funky.
Can't wait to hear how your mama is feeling and what mischief you get into now that you're back home!
Goober love & smooches,
Pee Ess
Molls, how did you become so fond of the bathtub. I won't let my girl give me a bath in the tub and she's looking for secrets to lure me in there.
i;m sure u miss home although u both had a great time at thuglet's camp...
Hey Girls!!!
We've been followin' ur adventures on the Thuglets bloggie...did you girls gain like 10 lbs??? Boy do they have goooooood foodie there!!!
What an amazin' time you all had! I bet the Thuglets are bored now and their peeps will need to obtain 2 more Dales to keep them occupied!!!
Hi Molly, Hi Gertrude,
WOW, what a holiday you two had! I can undrstand why you would be so tired after all that fun and excitement you had. I bet it was so fab to finally see your Mom and Dad again! I hope the days since have been filled with hugs and kisses!!
Your pal,
Hey M&G, it looked like you had a pawsome time staying with the Thuglets! Hope your mum and dad had a great holiday too! J x
Hey Girls,
We just stumbled on your blog and wanted to say hi. We're two bachelor wire fox terriers -- looking for virtual love!!!
We have some of the same terrier (wires and dales ) friends -- so maybe they'll give us a good reference!!
What fun that you got to spend time with the Thuglets. We met them on the chat and enjoyed hearing about their adventures.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Hello Girls...sorry its taken us so long to drop by we've had a busy time since you left. US busy ! lol
We were sorry to read you had to have that special thuglet mud washed off..all that hard work you did to earn it!
We are so pleased you enjoyed yer stay wiff us..its was such fun. Glad you liked your squeekie hedgehogs..we thought they would remind you of us!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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